1.) By #hashtaging your photos:
This is possibly the easiest way to get scouted, because the only thing you have to do is to pick one of your best selfies, and hashtag it with our official #BEMUGA hashtag.
Make sure to have a few more photos of yourself on your profile, so if you trigger our interest, we will take a look at your account.
An important thing to remember is to always check if the person that reached out to you, after seeing your photos, is a legitimate representative of our agency.
You can check this by contacting us via our official e-mail address (info@mugamanagement.com).
2.) By submitting your photo to us via direct message.
Please submit not more than two of your photos (face & full body photo).
If you get a response, you will also get the further details on what to do next (send a few more photos, additional info, etc). Photo(s) should be of a good quality, recent, showing you without make- up. Please do not send professional photos
Include your Name, Age, Height and the Country you live in.
If we are interested, we will contact you.